When I started this semester, I had this goal of animating
1) Pizza Jockeys Episode 2
2) The trailer for my new project called Garden
3) and Chicken Wings.
Two out of three ain't bad, I'd say.
I've actually finished the boards for PJ2, but that's also when I realized that it would be a huge undertaking, especially including the rewrite I made at the last minute. I've convinced myself it'll be completely worth it, though if it's not I'll just blame my dog.
The initial recording phase went...less than desirably, thanks in no small part to my sudden bouts of nerve-induced insomnia. I don't think I've ever tried harder to sleep than last week Wednesday, except maybe that one time in 6th grade when I had a Mountain Dew in the middle of the afternoon only to come to the startling conclusion that I'd never had caffeine before.
The worst is over though, I think. It's probably just stress from school, which happens to everyone who's a senior in college and human, combined with my whack-attack 2nd shift job. I can't complain: I get paid to watch movies and do homework. No, we don't have any openings.
If you've ever not been able to sleep, you know that your body just won't shut down, you can't focus, you definitely are NOT inspired and your only hope is that you've prayed hard enough for a nice long infomercial about Time Life's latest oldies collection to lull you to sleep. I ended up making an omelet, running around my back yard and punching the grass in futility. I'm okay now, really.
Anyways, I've started writing a song for my Audio Seminar II class and am pleased to say that Kanye West better watch his rear views for Commander Keen of Honeybees Join the Bomb Squad fame. It's funny how all the knowledge about different programs and music theory and uh...art theory come full circle right when you need them most. No, I'm no pro at the whole 'hit-maker' thing, but I'm just now starting to grasp what it is that tricks the ear into being interested in a certain songs for about 3 to 4 minutes. Miles High was finally posted at Newgrounds after about 2 1/2 weeks. Freakin' A. Better late than never, I s'pose.
The website is coming along, slow but sure. I literally had to go back to the drawing board and re-teach myself for scratch how to digitally paint in Photoshop. I simply have an animator's mindset: get results quick. That does NOT work with painting. Hell, it doesn't work with animating either; it just feels faster I guess.
End of horribly long, late-night post.
-Matt G
Rese Kue Gandus Kenyal dan Gurih Khas Palembang
8 years ago