Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pizza Jockeys launches!

After much ado, Pizza Jockeys Episode 1 has finally been completed and posted on YouTube and, most namely, NewGrounds, where it received Daily Second Place and a spot on the Front Page! You're welcome egoraptor, we kept that spot warm for you. Anyways, thanks for that all you wonderful internetters and here is once again.

In other news, I'm finally taking my digital portfolio class and so should be coming to you very soon. I plan on keeping the blog; having done some research, I figure that's the best way to keep all fronts manned and secure.

Coming soon! Chicken Wings: A really silly story that my buddy Josh W. told me about some enormous fat guy that came into the Dominos where he worked and proceeded to choke on his own fat. I'll put that up on Newgrounds as well and we'll see what happens there, score-wise.

There's an interesting thing that happens when you post stuff on Newgrounds. With the help of my chum Rob, I carefully calculated which day, which hour, precisely which minute I should post my five minute wood-fired opus and decided on 5:30pm on a Friday. I sweated out six and a half hours, checking that site more times than I could count every two seconds to see if I would acquire the coveted Daily First spot on in the Flash Portal. I feared that the internet might be shut down from another terrorist attack and my prize would be lost in the ether for all of eternity, or no one would like it and I'd completely have to rethink my career options based solely on the opinions of a single web forum.

In the end it posted just fine to many good review and a shameless plug by another Newgrounds-er who apparently has a copy write on all footage of real pizza ...ever. I determined that even though I almost ripped my eyes out because I worked on PJ so long, I really don't have a choice but to make Episode 2 (well, Episode 1: Part 2, really) because I was genuinely surprised that people took a liking to the characters and story and the series in general. The team that heads up the site liked it enough to put it on the front page for a few days, and that gesture alone gives me the juice to soldier on and finish what I started.

More to come.

-Matt G

P.S. I was beat out for Daily First by hentai pr0n. I wouldn't have it any other way. Wait. Yes I would.

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