Friday, October 10, 2008

Many Things

First things first; if you haven't seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, you totally need to. It's a web series made by Joss Whedon, who happens to be the man.

As usual, I'm still going a little nuts because of schoolwork, but there are more silver linings to these dark, ominous clouds than there is actual ...dark cloud. Hmm... What I mean to say is that things are working out in spite of themselves.

For instance, my digital portfolio class (the product of which shall become the big brother of this trusty blog) is basically causing me to reinvent the entire image of, but like a sword being tempered in the hottest of infernos, my creativity merely gets stronger and sharper with trial and experience.

The storyboards for PJ Ep II are done and divided into their proper scenes, and only now do I realize I forgot to record several lines of crucial yelps and screams. It's always the little stuff that slips by.

Work all day and ya work all night
Work ma fingers to tha bone and whuddya git?

Boney fingers...

-Matt G

1 comment:

Dark Wizard said...

yo doggie - work till death!

your literary allusions to your modern day struggles as compared to "tempering a blade" truly touched my heart. A wordsmith, I did not know Matt Geerling was - but now, a master, I see you are